Tag by Zie
Usually kat FB saja kena tagged ani, tetapi arah blog pun kena tagged...bah sesiapa rasanya ada nick nya kena senaraikan atu, bah jangan lupa ambil ur award ani and simpan arah ur blog..hehe
1. Do u think u'r hot?
-Obviously im NOT...heheheh
2. Upload ur fav pic
3. Why do u like dat pic
- Maybe im in love wif the background and the way i posing maut...hahahah
4. When was the last time u ate pizza?
-I think sometimes last month kat Pizza Hut Mall...
5. The last song u listen to Lagu terakhir yang anda dengar
- Lewat Semesta by Randy Pangalila
6. What r u doing rite now beside this?
- Update my blog and Facebook'ing :)
7. What name u prefer beside urs?
- I've got no idea..wat eva..haha
8. People to tag :-
1) Eddy
2) Dino
3) Sam
4) As3
5) Maz
6) Ping
9. Who is no. 1?
- Fren dengan lepak and mencop passport..haha
10. No. 3 is having relationship with?
- i've got no idea wif whom...
11. Say smth about no. 5
- She's my Bestie lama dah since 1996, just imagine berapa tahun dah kan tu? Kes inda pandai mengira..hahah
12. How bout no. 4
- I knew u reading it As3, bah buat tah blog..hehehe..its fun tho
13. and no. 2
- Arif dalam audit mengAudit ni..hahaha
14. bagi pesanan pd org no. 6
- hope to see your blog soon..i knew u start to create 1... :)