Oh No! Now i've got 5 pairs of Crocs with a different Models....Am i addicted with Crocs? Oh yeahh..So far i 've got my Mary Jane, Alice, Sporty Adara, Nannok and Malindi.
Actually, I told myself before i fly off that im not going to get any crocs this time, TETAPI iman atu inda kuat bah, i still go and buy...When i was at Crocs shop, MidValley i just go in and helping my sister saja, which my sis bought some jibbitz for herself and my nephew and my other sister sedih coz nada her size, her size dah habis....kesiannn...but then my sis since she dont manage to get her Crocs, she manage to get her Clarks, she bought 2 pairs lagi...kes sasak lah mencari her size atu..hehe..oh yeah back to me, myself that time, endah tak endah saja dengan crocs as i told myself earlier dah not to get a crocs this time, but i wanted to get a Wedges slipper saja BUT Not from crocs.
But then when im on my way to Pavillion, melintas depan Crocs Kiosk just infront of LOT 10, atfirst i wanted to get a Jibbitz for my Mary Jane tetapi the jibbitz nada lawa2 for me, and guess what? Jibbitz inda jadi d beli BUT then i BOUGHT a Nannok crocs...Alamakkkkk..iatah kes iman inda kuat ni, inda sah bah kalau inda membeli atu, ngam tia lagi the color i wanted atu ada my size, so atlast d beli tah jua...hahahaha
And my Malindi just arrived too from KL...
This is wat we called 'Malindi' from Crocs