Im back home from my holiday to Kuala Lumpur on last Thursday. I went to KL on holiday and at the same time attend my cousin wedding at Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan. I went to KL for a week from 5th March until 12th March, its not just me, my 2 sister's came along with me.
Our flight on the 5th March is around 11.35am and touch down at KLIA airport is around 1 ish in the afternoon..By the time we reach KLIA airport, there's alot of people and we have to queue up at the Immigration for 1 hour +, bermacam-macam bangsa kan dliat...Only by 3 ish we baru habis cop passport and my cousin 'Along' is waiting for us at the KLIA Airport.
We stayed at my auntie house for 4 nights, the wedding function is almost everyday, tired...and the weather is VERY VERY HOT and maybe its because my auntie house is just next to the beach..This time myself and sisters inda turun ke Pantai, coz we r too busy wif the wedding...
Only on Monday 9th March we went down to KL, where my cousins and auntie sent us to Seremban Train Station...We sampai to the train station is just on time, coz by the time we masuk the KTM baru saja sampai, and it took us 1 hour + saja kan turun ke KL Sentral...
So from KL Sentral, we took a teksi to our Hotel, which we stayed 3 nights at Bukit Bintang Area...I dont do really shopping sakan lah, just shopping mana2 yg berkenan and termampu saja..hahaha...'shop till u drop'....hehe
On Thursday 12th March, our flight is around 2.40pm and we left our hotel around 11ish and took a teksi to KL Sentral, from KL Sentral we straight away going to the departure hall and check-in our luggage and take our boarding pass, so by the time we reach at KLIA Airport, we dont have to worry for our seat and our luggage too. We took KLIA Express train from KL Sentral to KLIA Airport, which only took us 28mins saja and the ticket is just RM35 per person.
At the KLIA Airport, we do our last shopping and take-away some foods from Mc Donald's especially my favourite is Chicken Mc Nuggets, which almost everyday i ate Chicken Mc Nuggets coz d Brunei nada....
We arrived in Brunei 4.55pm, lucky our luggage inda lama keluar coz all our luggage ada blue tagged...faham2 jer lah...heheh...Thanks god we selamat sampai ke Tanah Air...Reach home terus ampar and rehat, but then myself still mampu kan berjalan sekajap for 2 hours on that night as i have to meet my colleague just to pass him his 'Big Mushroom Burger' from Carls JR and meet my Birthday Boy.
My Lunch @ the aircraft masa kan ke KL
My Snack..voh mcm kes inda kenyang jua tuh...hehe
Jadi Gadis Ayu while meliat my cousin nikah
With my cousin 'Selamat Pengantin Baru Cuz'
We wif the Pengantin Baru
With my Relatives in Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan, Kuala Lumpur

Gadis Ayu atas Pelamin..hahaha
Tempat rumah Pengantin Lelaki
Myself wif the Flowers
Shopping @ Midvalley
Infront of Louis Vuitton, Starhill...
Is dat me? My sis's couldnt believe that me berjalan kai tudung time belarai...sal hujan tah me betudung, takut sakit kepala...hehe
Terserempak dengan Abg Awie masa otw balik hotel, Abg Awie shooting next to our hotel and then dapat tengok from my room lagi...hehe

@KL Sentral, Departure Hall
Dalam KLIA Express train otw to KLIA
Ready dah kan balik to our home...Mish my bed so much
Tea Time @ aircraft from KL to BWN