On the 10th of July 2009, Maju Motors Launch a new Model of Volkswagen Golf A6 1.6. The guest of honour was Dr.Thomas Brun from Germany Ambassador to Brunei.
It was a night theme event but it took place in the morning from 9.30 am -12 Noon for all the invited guest. All Golf owners were given T-Shirt of the latest Golf A6 1.6 and were also treated to a live performance by Band Aces and Light refreshments from Patisseries.
Uptodate all the 4 units Volkswagen Golf A6 1.6 have been sold. And more Volkswagen Golf A6 1.6 will arrived soon. They selling Volkswagen Golf A6 1.6 at $39,500.00 OTR.
The new model of Volkswagen Golf A6 1.6
The welcoming area with the Goodie Bags and Signing section

The commitee of this event

The customer's were entertained by The Live Band