Lastnight i went to Kopitiam @ Batu Bersurat to celebrate advanced b'day for Feezah aka Paze. I came a bit late lastnight around 8pm which we suppose to meet up at 7pm, it was a surprised for me to them, as i SMS my closed fren saying that im not coming...hahahaha..sorry jah, i knew u miss me so much..hehehe..
After we celebrate Paze b'day we went to Mamih, Beribi to have a drinks lagi...wah inda pandai kenyang kah kami ah? Guess what we squeeze in 6 persons into 1 car...Wowww hjh got a new car, no wonder insist kan suruh aku naik keretanya...hahah..yeah i seat infront d malam..wahaha
Tonite, Jifah aka Jape kan belanja sempena c Paze b'day tah liat wayang but then im not sure either im coming or not sal the movie inda berapa lawa2 bah for me...hehe..
I went home lastnyte quiet late around 11 ish...Sorry darl i went home late but then you know ryte that i went out with the girlsss....

Happy Advanced B'day Paze