On the 28th December 08, Myself and frenz went down to Labuan just wana releks..We catch a boat 8.30 am, i think pakai kapal Suria kali..The journey tooks abouts 1 hr 15 mins or might be less than that..
So when we arrived in Labuan, we walked from the Terminal to BETA where we gona stay for 1 night. We check in the apartment quite late, i think its almost 3pm, where we were ask to check in the apartment by 1pm, but then was delayed as alot of people check in and out..We stayed on the 15th Floor..Once we check in, we rileks for a while and we start to plan where we heading..So atlast we plan to visit Labuan Bird Park, which cost us for Per Return Teksi is RM70 and Entrance Fee is RM5 for adult.
Dalam Labuan Bird Park ani you will see beraneka burung which myself sendiri pun inda ingat apa nama burung nya...HeHeHe
Burung Unta (Ostrich)
Ani salah satu binatang yang ku inda tahu namanya..LOL
Yang ani binatang yang telah mati, which they Awet and simpan dalam Mini Muzium dia orang
Aktiviti Malam, we had a dinner di Tanjung Ketam which tempat fresh seafood..Siuk lah the place arah Laut
Aktiviti Malam, we had a dinner di Tanjung Ketam which tempat fresh seafood..Siuk lah the place arah Laut
Gerai Tanjung Ketam
After dinner, around 10 ish balik ke Apartment, and we main bowling, voh mcm inda pandai berehat bah kami ah..
Pemain bowling dari Kiri terdiri dari Eddy, Alyn, Saar, Dino and Lily
Ani kes masih hyper bah actually, tengah malam udah i think around 1 ish udah ni time we bergambar ah..Boleh kami bergambar arah Water Fountain tengah2 round about..LOL
Kes panat jua nah bergambar d tengah2 jalan...