I just couldnt believe that my age 25 years of age dah...Macam alum 25th bah..Kira kan inda mahu menerima hakikat lah tu yg umur ku 25 udah..wahha...I was born January 5th, 1984...
This year my b'day fall on Monday, so i woke as usual and hide myself in the room wif my internet, almost 7.45 i left my house for work..In the office, i just react myself as if nothing special today for myself, infact my colleague remember that today is my birthday. My colleague d office ani semua salam dengan me and greet me wif their greetings, sekali 1 of my colleague ani which is our Designer, inda percaya that today is my Birthday, sampai minta tunjukan bah ia my IC arah our HR Manager, sekali banar eh my HR Manager tunjukan my photocopy IC, pandai ia terdiam. Mana inda jua, myself ani selalu mengatil bah d office, kadang2 datang sinting ku, so aku kacau lah yg today is my birthday..Which means everyday is my birthday..hahah
Today me jadi budak pendiam d office, inda banyak cakap and inda hyper...Selalu me ani d office hyper bah, tah my HR Manager and other colleague wondering yg me ani pendiam sikit hari ani, but then they faham that mengapa pendiam sikit, ala2 bad mood..But then im not bad mood...Actually, i just dont want to celebrate my B'day unless my beloved one is around...Since my beloved one is not around, i felt so sad bah jadinya..Dui ma rawan ati ku jadinya...hehhe..But then my Boss keep teasing me petang ani, kepisan and inda pandai senang bah ku membuat report..
Oh yeah, my colleague did make a surprise b'day for me, pandai dia org panggil nya me makan ke dapur, sekali rupanya my Boss, HR Manager aka Lady Boss, My Papa aka our Sales Manager and other colleague rupanya get ready udah d Dapur dengan kan menyanyi..U know apa teknik dia org, dia org suruh my Idol dtg dari pintu depan office sekali xsen betanya me mana my boss, so i have to walk to the pantry mencari my boss and dia org terus nyanyi b'day song to me..Thanks to my colleague...Atu malu ku yo, kena buli ku bah coz my Idol is a b'day present for me...hhahaha

My Birthday cake for year 2009

This year i bought myself a LV Damier Azur Pochette
Night time i got a dinner with my family, at first i dont expect that i gonna have dinner with them since my mummy is not feeling well. Almost 7 pm my sis msg me asking where i want to have my dinner...Sebelah bilik pun main msg yo..haha..coz she try to MSN me but then i was away that time as im lying down on my bed..heheh
I was asked to choose where shall we have a dinner, and then i told her i got no idea where to go. And at last she ask me to choose either Airport Restaurant or Rizqun, so i check what is their Theme for..The theme at the Airport Restaurant was Malaysian Cuisine and Rizqun was Grill and Steam, so i prefer to Rizqun..So we went to Rizqun for a dinner...Around 8 ish we arrived at the Rizqun and we left the Rizqun is around 10 ish...

Paddle Pop Ice Cream, my pebret kali ah

Nasi Goreng Chinese Style wif grilled beef and prawn

B'day girl with Chef of the day..Daming jua mcm my bestfren..LoL
Went home straight away had my 2nd shower before tidur, but then as usual pantang bah kan meliat my lappy..so layan tah internet sampai pukul 1 lalu..Atupun mata mengantuk berabis bah, so paksa tah melayan mata..