On the 10th of July 2009, Maju Motors Launch a new Model of Volkswagen Golf A6 1.6. The guest of honour was Dr.Thomas Brun from Germany Ambassador to Brunei.
It was a night theme event but it took place in the morning from 9.30 am -12 Noon for all the invited guest. All Golf owners were given T-Shirt of the latest Golf A6 1.6 and were also treated to a live performance by Band Aces and Light refreshments from Patisseries.
Uptodate all the 4 units Volkswagen Golf A6 1.6 have been sold. And more Volkswagen Golf A6 1.6 will arrived soon. They selling Volkswagen Golf A6 1.6 at $39,500.00 OTR.
The new model of Volkswagen Golf A6 1.6

The customer's were entertained by The Live Band